Sinónimos is a great way to look up Spanish words with similar meaning in your iPhone.
1. Work offline: just download and install it- that is all you need from the Internet to search for Spanish synonyms.
2. Smart Search: suggested headwords will appear while you type in.
3. Easily navigate through list of searched headwords (up to 101).
4. 35,737 entries.
5. Look up random headwords in the thesaurus.
6. Easily connect to RAEútil (not included) to obtain the meaning of a headword.
7. Englis, Spanish and German interface localization.
More Great Apps:
1. RAEútil: Interface to connect to DRAE and DPD (Royal Spanish Academy Dictionaries).
2. Antónimos: Spanish antonyms.
3. Verbos: is an excellent tool to obtain offline all verb inflections from all the Spanish verbs admitted by the Spanish Royal Academy (RAE).
4. Proverbial: a great tool to obtain the equivalent proverbs in English or Spanish.
The database is based on OpenThesaurus-es: Diccionario de Sinónimos Open Source para el Lenguaje Español. The terms are under GNU/LGPL.